BugEra’s genetic engineering toolkit and novel strains are creating a “buzz”

August 31 2023 – BugEra’s groundbreaking genetic engineering toolkit and novel strains are creating a “buzz” within the BSF (Black Soldier Fly)  community, with the recent scientific edition of the leading BSF community “BetaBuzz magazine” powered by Beta Bugs Limited.

In  the opening article on page 3, our CTO Anna Melkov and head of R&D Yehonatan Alcalay together with Thomas Farrugia CEO of Beta Bugs describe the synergetic effect of two genetic approaches – selective breeding and genetic engineering can introduce almost endless opportunities for improved efficiency of the BSF.
As a leader in the “InsecTech” industry, BSF holds potential to reshape biomanufacturing, penetrate new markets like biofuels, bolster supply chains, and drive a sustainable bioeconomy, all while embracing the principles of circular economy and significant  contributions to addressing climate crises and food scarcity.

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